Resources for teachers encouraging students to environmentally-friendly educations, green degrees, career paths and top-paying careers.
Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.
Bioma Project ECOLOGY lesson plans
The Bioma Project, founded by Eco-Hero Alumni Bill Tong, developed a comprehensive curriculum over 4 years with input from educators and environmental experts. While the program leans towards aquatic ecosystems, their lesson plans have plenty of activities that apply to all ecology.
Is your student thinking about college?
Check out this comprehensive guide to environmentally-friendly degrees and careers.
The guide was developed in part by Nurit Katz, Sustainability Coordinator at UCLA, and provides an in-depth look at the typical green career path, top-paying green careers, and more.
The Arts and Healing Network
The Arts and Healing Network is dedicated to celebrating the connection between arts and healing. An international resource for anyone interested in the healing potential of art, especially environmentalists, social activists, artists, art professionals, health care practitioners, and those challenged by illness.
Association of Environmental and Outdoor Educators
The Association of Environmental and Outdoor Educators is a California organization by and for outdoor environmental educators. Their Web site has a terrific resources section for teachers.
California EPA Education Programs
The California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Education Programs page gives teachers easy access to all of its K-12 educational programs. They invite you to use this resource as a way to connect the environment to your classroom.
Center for Ecoliteracy
The Center For Ecoliteracy promotes education in the values, skills and knowledge needed to create sustainable communities. Its current programs include Rethinking School Lunch, a planning framework for integrating curriculum with school lunch, campus gardens, kitchen classrooms and public policy. The website provides a 175-page downloadable RSL guide and an ongoing series of essays by leading educators and activists.
SaveNature.org is a non-profit that works in partnership with schools, universities, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, natural history museums, and science centers worldwide to protect wildlife and nature.
Convention on Biological Diversity
Teaching Resources on Biodiversity and Agriculture: Teach students about biological diversity and sustainable agriculture to ensure that we will be able to feed the world, maintain agricultural jobs and support human life, enhance humans well-being into the 21st century and beyond. Includes lesson plans. See the companion student’s link.
Education World: Tracking Sea Turtles
Endangered sea turtles are in need of attention. Education World's article on Tracking Turtles will connect you to great classroom activities and resources for learning about sea turtles-and even tracking their movements.
Environmental Education Fund
The Environmental Education Fund promotes environmental awareness and education, especially in North Carolina.
The Globe Program
GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, primary, and secondary school-based education and science program.
The National Arbor Day Foundation
The National Arbor Day Foundation has excellent resources for teachers of kids pre-K - 12.
Nature Bridge
NatureBridge connects young people to the wonder and science of nature in the world’s best classrooms—our national parks. Each year, 30,000 students take part in our three- to five-day field science programs. And because there are so many more to reach, we work to make environmental education a national priority for all young people.
North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
The NAAEE is a network of professionals, students, and volunteers working in the field of environmental education throughout North America and in over 55 countries around the world.
Orangutan Gang
Teacher lesson plan about palm oil and orangutans for middle school activists designed for all educational levels and has been adapted to an online format, allowing students to learn safely in a remote setting.
Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree is an environmental education program of the American Forest Foundation.
Roots and Shoots
Roots and Shoots is a branch of The Jane Goodall Institute, designed to inspire youth of all ages to make a difference by becoming involved with their communities.
Save the Manatee Club
The Save the Manatee Club is a membership-based, national nonprofit organization that supports public awareness and education projects, manatee research, rescue and rehabilitation, advocacy, and legal action in order to ensure better protection for manatees and their habitat.
Sierra Club Environmental Education
Through its environmental education programs, Sierra Club Environmental Education nurtures caring, leadership skills, and critical thinking, and draws people of wide-ranging ethnic groups, cultures, and abilities into efforts to protect our environment.
Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Fact Sheets
The US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Fact Sheets provides Wildlife Fact Sheets with details on endangered, invasive, and common species, and wildlife.
Environmental Science
Widely recognized as the largest environmental science career and employment site in the internet, EnvironmentalScience.org is written or edited by environmental experts and gives knowledge to future environmental leaders who keep our air, streams, forests, cities, and world healthy, clean, and strong.
Homeschooling is rewarding, fun, challenging, exhausting, and fulfilling, but above all, it is worth the effort. Find encouragement, advice, resources, curriculum reviews, organization tools, and more at TheHomeSchoolMom and check out their Printable Home Organizer & Homeschool Planner.
Orangutan Gang
Want to teach your class about palm oil and its impacts? Check out the Orangutan Gang’s educational lesson plan for middle school students, geared towards sixth through eighth-grade science classes.
Green Teens Club Member Tyler is spreading resources that help make our planet a little healthier, like this guide for recycling appliances, which includes the environmental and financial benefits of recycling appliances and how to go about recycling yours.
Go Solar
When it comes to switching from utility to solar power, many homeowners have a multitude of questions. Find some of the most helpful solar power energy resources on Going Solar’s website.