Action for Nature — Fair Use Policy

Approved by AFN Board on February 20, 2024

This policy covers the use of images in Action for Nature printed and digital materials and communications. Images include still photographs; videos of any length; artwork; digital artwork; electronic images; and designs. This covers all images, whether they are created by applicants, third parties, or are AI-generated. Materials and communications include both print and electronic newsletters; website content; social media postings; special mailings; invitations; press releases; promotional materials; fundraising appeals; presentation slides; awards programs; advertising; and any other organizational communication.

Action for Nature (AFN) will only use images that fall into one of the following categories. AFN will make every reasonable effort to ensure that every image used falls under one of these categories.

  1. AFN has express written permission to use the image from the image creator (photographer or designer), even when the creator is a staff member, Board member, volunteer, donor, award recipient, applicant, or friend or family member of anyone in any of these categories.

  2. The image is openly licensed and allows for nonprofit usage (typically a Creative Commons license). AFN will only use these images according to the creator’s terms:

    • If they allow only educational use, AFN will not use those image(s) for fundraising or promotion.

    • AFN will only use images for fundraising purposes if the creator explicitly allows their use for fundraising.

    • AFN will credit the creator as they request in the open license.

  3. The image is in the public domain, is designated as “copyright-free,” or is otherwise subject to fair use.

  4. AFN has paid for use of the image. In such cases, AFN will only use the image insofar as the use conforms to the terms of the license.

AFN will document the creators, sources, and permissions category of each image we use. AFN will ask third-party contributors of images to confirm that images conform to this policy. AFN will only use paid licensed images if the license has been transferred to AFN. AFN will always credit the creator by name unless they do not wish to be identified. AFN will include any additional information the creator requires (e.g., a copyright symbol next to their name, their business name, a watermark, etc.).

In the case of images in the public domain, copyright-free, or otherwise covered by fair use, AFN will cite the creator by name or will indicate the source of the image if the creator is unknown.